Do you need to be married to go to couples therapy?
While the term "couples therapy" may suggest that it is exclusively for married couples, individuals in all types of relationships can benefit from this form of therapy.
4 Tips On How to Prepare for Couples Therapy
If you're considering couples therapy for the first time, it's natural to feel a mix of emotions—from hope and anticipation to nervousness or uncertainty. To make the most out of your experience, here are four tips to help you prepare for your first couples therapy session.
Rise Above Fear
But when wrestling with fear today, I squared my shoulders and said to nothing in particular, “This year is the year I rise above fear.” It’s a simple statement with no real meaning other than it helped me remember that in 2018 I proved to myself that love sooths fear.
Life’s Too Busy for a Sexless Marriage
For many who endure a sexless relationship, sex is harder than the alternative. It’s not an oasis of connection, an escape from the pressures of life, an intimate getaway for those precious 30 minutes.